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Mike Inacay Can Die Choking On A Dick

I got to thinking about my elementary school days since I was interviewed about something recently. I went to a very small Catholic school called St. Bernard near Eagle Rock. It wasn’t the safest place in the area but gentrification and hipsters changed that in the last few years.

Anyways, while I was attending St. Bernard’s there was a student one year older than me named Michael/Mike Inacay. He was total dick. Like fuck Mike Inacay. Here’s the kicker:

I’m pretty sure he was also a friend of Dorothy’s but he picked on him every day that I was in that school. Whenever recess/lunch break was over the older class would stand at the stairs and say “no talking” to the students going down the stairs back to the school. Being the typical good closeted kid trying to just get through school alive; I was silent.

Mike Inacay would always yell at the top of the stairs “Mario no talking.”




“I wasn’t talking” I’d say and then he’d reply “I’m going to report you if you keep talking.”

Look, I don’t know if he’s also a homo (spoiler alert: we didn’t keep in touch after elementary) but he also had all the signs of being a gay bully picking on me due to his insecurities. I should probably be the bigger person. But




He tormented me every day for years and then when we went to separate high schools I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with him again. Turns out I was fucking wrong since I was stuck doing Confirmation Classes with him for two years.

Day one of Confirmation we were split into groups and guess who was in my small group campers?




The list was outside and I could hear him complaining in a gayer voice than mine “Ew I’m in a group with Mario.” Again 30 year old me would have gone outside and fucked this tiny %U)! up. But 16 year old me didn’t and stayed quiet. What hurt most was there were 5 other classmates in that room that I thought were friends that also stayed quiet. I was hurt that no one said a thing and it still does.




I’m not sure what happened to him, I don’t care. But if he’s picking on gays still and I find out, I’ll fuck him up for real this time. That goes for anyone else that I see online or in person picking on my LGBTQ family. We’re not doing that in 2020.




Interview with Voyage LA Magazine